Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Penicillium subrubescens adapts its enzyme production to the composition of plant biomass.

Author(s): Dilokpimol A, Peng M, Di Falco M, Chin A Woeng T, Hegi RMW, Granchi Z, Tsang A, Hildén KS, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Bioresour Technol. 2020 May 05;311:123477 Authors: Dilokpimol A, Peng M, Di Falco M, Chin A Woeng T, Hegi RMW, Granchi Z, Tsang A, Hildén KS, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 32408196

Glucose-mediated repression of plant biomass utilization in the white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens.

Author(s): Daly P, Peng M, Di Falco M, Lipzen A, Wang M, Ng V, Grigoriev IV, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Appl Environ Microbiol. 2019 Oct 04;: Authors: Daly P, Peng M, Di Falco M, Lipzen A, Wang M, Ng V, Grigoriev IV, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 31585998

Closely related fungi employ diverse enzymatic strategies to degrade plant biomass.

Author(s): Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hild...

Biotechnol Biofuels. 2015;8:107 Authors: Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hildén KS, Hou...

Article GUID: 26236396

The molecular response of the white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens to wood and non-woody biomass as examined by transcriptome and exoproteome analyses.

Author(s): Rytioja J, Hildén K, Di Falco M, Zhou M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Sietiö OM, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Mäkelä MR

Environ Microbiol. 2017 03;19(3):1237-1250 Authors: Rytioja J, Hildén K, Di Falco M, Zhou M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Sietiö OM, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Mäkelä MR

Article GUID: 28028889

Expression-based clustering of CAZyme-encoding genes of Aspergillus niger.

Author(s): Gruben BS, Mäkelä MR, Kowalczyk JE, Zhou M, Benoit-Gelber I, De Vries RP

BMC Genomics. 2017 Nov 23;18(1):900 Authors: Gruben BS, Mäkelä MR, Kowalczyk JE, Zhou M, Benoit-Gelber I, De Vries RP

Article GUID: 29169319

Investigation of inter- and intraspecies variation through genome sequencing of Aspergillus section Nigri.

Author(s): Vesth TC, Nybo JL, Theobald S, Frisvad JC, Larsen TO, Nielsen KF, Hoof JB, Brandl J, Salamov A, Riley R, Gladden JM, Phatale P, Nielsen MT, ...

Nat Genet. 2018 12;50(12):1688-1695 Authors: Vesth TC, Nybo JL, Theobald S, Frisvad JC, Larsen TO, Nielsen KF, Hoof JB, Brandl J, Salamov A, Riley R, Gladden JM, Phatale P, Nielsen MT, Lyhne EK, K...

Article GUID: 30349117

The presence of trace components significantly broadens the molecular response of Aspergillus niger to guar gum.

Author(s): Coconi Linares N, Di Falco M, Benoit-Gelber I, Gruben BS, Peng M, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

N Biotechnol. 2019 Jul 25;51:57-66 Authors: Coconi Linares N, Di Falco M, Benoit-Gelber I, Gruben BS, Peng M, Tsang A, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP

Article GUID: 30797054

Title:Closely related fungi employ diverse enzymatic strategies to degrade plant biomass.
Authors:Benoit ICulleton HZhou MDiFalco MAguilar-Osorio GBattaglia EBouzid OBrouwer CPJMEl-Bushari HBOCoutinho PMGruben BSHildén KSHoubraken JBarboza LAJLevasseur AMajoor EMäkelä MRNarang HMTrejo-Aguilar Bvan den Brink JvanKuyk PAWiebenga AMcKie VMcCleary BTsang AHenrissat Bde Vries RP
Category:Biotechnol Biofuels
Dept Affiliation: GENOMICS
1 Fungal Physiology, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre and Fungal Molecular Physiology, Utrecht University, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2 Microbiology and Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.
3 Megazyme International Ireland, IDA Business Park, Bray, Wicklow Ireland.
4 Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H4B 1R6 Canada.
5 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, National University of México, UNAM, Cd. Universitaria, C.P. 04510 Mexico, DF Mexico.
6 Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques, Aix-Marseille Université, 13288 Marseille, France.
7 CNRS, UMR7257, Aix-Marseille University, 13288 Marseille, France.
8 Division of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, Viikki Biocenter 1, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
9 INRA, UMR1163 de Biotechnologie des Champignons Filamenteux, ESIL, Marseille, France.
10 INRA, USC 1408 AFMB, 13288 Marseille, France.
11 Department of Biological Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Closely related fungi employ diverse enzymatic strategies to degrade plant biomass.

Biotechnol Biofuels. 2015;8:107

Authors: Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hildén KS, Houbraken J, Barboza LAJ, Levasseur A, Majoor E, Mäkelä MR, Narang HM, Trejo-Aguilar B, van den Brink J, vanKuyk PA, Wiebenga A, McKie V, McCleary B, Tsang A, Henrissat B, de Vries RP


BACKGROUND: Plant biomass is the major substrate for the production of biofuels and biochemicals, as well as food, textiles and other products. It is also the major carbon source for many fungi and enzymes of these fungi are essential for the depolymerization of plant polysaccharides in industrial processes. This is a highly complex process that involves a large number of extracellular enzymes as well as non-hydrolytic proteins, whose production in fungi is controlled by a set of transcriptional regulators. Aspergillus species form one of the best studied fungal genera in this field, and several species are used for the production of commercial enzyme cocktails.

RESULTS: It is often assumed that related fungi use similar enzymatic approaches to degrade plant polysaccharides. In this study we have compared the genomic content and the enzymes produced by eight Aspergilli for the degradation of plant biomass. All tested Aspergilli have a similar genomic potential to degrade plant biomass, with the exception of A. clavatus that has a strongly reduced pectinolytic ability. Despite this similar genomic potential their approaches to degrade plant biomass differ markedly in the overall activities as well as the specific enzymes they employ. While many of the genes have orthologs in (nearly) all tested species, only very few of the corresponding enzymes are produced by all species during growth on wheat bran or sugar beet pulp. In addition, significant differences were observed between the enzyme sets produced on these feedstocks, largely correlating with their polysaccharide composition.

CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that Aspergillus species and possibly also other related fungi employ significantly different approaches to degrade plant biomass. This makes sense from an ecological perspective where mixed populations of fungi together degrade plant biomass. The results of this study indicate that combining the approaches from different species could result in improved enzyme mixtures for industrial applications, in particular saccharification of plant biomass for biofuel production. Such an approach may result in a much better improvement of saccharification efficiency than adding specific enzymes to the mixture of a single fungus, which is currently the most common approach used in biotechnology.

PMID: 26236396 [PubMed]