Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

AHNAK C-Terminal Peptide Membrane Binding-Interactions between the Residues 5654-5673 of AHNAK and Phospholipid Monolayers and Bilayers.

Author(s): Yan X, Noël F, Marcotte I, DeWolf CE, Warschawski DE, Boisselier E

The dysferlin membrane repair complex contains a small complex, S100A10-annexin A2, which initiates membrane repair by recruiting the protein AHNAK to the membrane, where it interacts via binding sites in the C-terminal region. However, no molecular data ar...

Article GUID: 31825630

Interfacial Self-Assembly of Antimicrobial Peptide GL13K into Non-Fibril Crystalline β-Sheets.

Author(s): Youssef H, DeWolf CE

Langmuir. 2020 Jan 06;: Authors: Youssef H, DeWolf CE

Article GUID: 31880463

Energy Budget of Liquid Drop Impact at Maximum Spreading: Numerical Simulations and Experiments.

Author(s): Lee JB, Derome D, Dolatabadi A, Carmeliet J

Langmuir. 2016 Feb 09;32(5):1279-88 Authors: Lee JB, Derome D, Dolatabadi A, Carmeliet J

Article GUID: 26745364

Model Lung Surfactant Films: Why Composition Matters.

Author(s): Selladurai SL, Miclette Lamarche R, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE

Langmuir. 2016 Oct 18;32(41):10767-10775 Authors: Selladurai SL, Miclette Lamarche R, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE

Article GUID: 27641759

Microfluidic Assembly To Synthesize Dual Enzyme/Oxidation-Responsive Polyester-Based Nanoparticulates with Controlled Sizes for Drug Delivery.

Author(s): Hong SH, Patel T, Ip S, Garg S, Oh JK

Langmuir. 2018 03 13;34(10):3316-3325 Authors: Hong SH, Patel T, Ip S, Garg S, Oh JK

Article GUID: 29485889

Title:Energy Budget of Liquid Drop Impact at Maximum Spreading: Numerical Simulations and Experiments.
Authors:Lee JBDerome DDolatabadi ACarmeliet J
Dept Affiliation: PHYSICS
1 Chair of Building Physics, ETH Zurich, Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.
2 Laboratory for Multiscale Studies for Building Physics, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Empa, Überlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland.
3 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University , Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada.


Energy Budget of Liquid Drop Impact at Maximum Spreading: Numerical Simulations and Experiments.

Langmuir. 2016 Feb 09;32(5):1279-88

Authors: Lee JB, Derome D, Dolatabadi A, Carmeliet J


The maximum spreading of an impinging droplet on a rigid surface is studied for low to high impact velocity, until the droplet starts splashing. We investigate experimentally and numerically the role of liquid properties, such as surface tension and viscosity, on drop impact using three liquids. It is found that the use of the experimental dynamic contact angle at maximum spreading in the Kistler model, which is used as a boundary condition for the CFD-VOF calculation, gives good agreement between experimental and numerical results. Analytical models commonly used to predict the boundary layer thickness and time at maximum spreading are found to be less correct, meaning that energy balance models relying on these relations have to be considered with care. The time of maximum spreading is found to depend on both the impact velocity and surface tension, and neither dependency is predicted correctly in common analytical models. The relative proportion of the viscous dissipation in the total energy budget increases with impact velocity with respect to surface energy. At high impact velocity, the contribution of surface energy, even before splashing, is still substantial, meaning that both surface energy and viscous dissipation have to be taken into account, and scaling laws depending only on viscous dissipation do not apply. At low impact velocity, viscous dissipation seems to play an important role in low-surface-tension liquids such as ethanol.

PMID: 26745364 [PubMed]