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Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of tri-chlorido-(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2 N,N')phenyltin(IV)

Author(s): Benlatreche T; Bensegueni MA; Dénès G; Golhen S; Merazig H;

The title compound, [Sn(C6H5)Cl3(C12H8N2)], which was obtained by the reaction between 1,10-phenanthroline and phenyl-tin trichloride in methanol, exhibits intra-molecular hydrogen-bonding inter-actions involving the chlorine and hydrogen atoms. Crystal cohesion is ensured by inter-molecular C-H?Cl hydrogen bonds, as well as Y-X?p and p-stacking inter-act ...

Article GUID: 39372187

Prevalence of insomnia and use of sleep aids among adults in Canada

Author(s): Morin CM; Vézina-Im LA; Chen SJ; Ivers H; Carney CE; Chaput JP; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Belleville G; Lorrain D; Horn O; Robillard R;

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of insomnia and the use of sleep aids among Canadian adults. Methods: Data were derived from a phone interview conducted (April to October 2023) with a stratified, population-based sample of 4037 adults (57.6 % females; mean age 50.6 ± 18.4; range 18-102 ye ...

Article GUID: 39369578

Attention, working memory, and inhibitory control in aging: Comparing amateur singers, instrumentalists, and active controls

Author(s): Joyal M; Sicard A; Penhune V; Jackson PL; Tremblay P;

Despite the ubiquity of musical activities, little is known about the specificity of their association with executive functions. In this cross-sectional study, we examined this relationship as a function of age. Our main hypotheses were that executive functions would decline in older age, that this relationship would be reduced in singers and instrumental ...

Article GUID: 39367878

Existing evidence on the effect of urban forest management in carbon solutions and avian conservation: a systematic literature map

Author(s): Hutt-Taylor K; Bassett CG; Kinnunen RP; Frei B; Ziter CD;

Background: Urgent solutions are needed in cities to mitigate twin crises of global climate change and biodiversity loss. Urban nature-based solutions (actions that protect, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems while simultaneously providing human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits) are being advocated for as multi-functional tools capable of tackl ...

Article GUID: 39363382

Microglial senescence in neurodegeneration: Insights, implications, and therapeutic opportunities

Author(s): Samuel Olajide T; Oyerinde TO; Omotosho OI; Okeowo OM; Olajide OJ; Ijomone OM;

The existing literature on neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) reveals a common pathological feature: the accumulation of misfolded proteins. However, the heterogeneity in disease onset mechanisms and the specific brain regions affected complicates the understanding of the diverse clinical manifestations of individual NDDs. Dementia, a hallmark symptom acro ...

Article GUID: 39364217

Fear of Cancer Recurrence in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer

Author(s): Pizzo A; Leisenring WM; Stratton KL; Lamoureux É; Flynn JS; Alschuler K; Krull KR; Jibb LA; Nathan PC; Olgin JE; Stinson JN; Armstrong GT; Alberts NM;

Importance: Fear of cancer recurrence is common among survivors of adult-onset cancer and associated with increased distress, functional impairment, and health care utilization. However, little is known about the prevalence and risk factors of fear of cancer recurrence among adult survivors of ch ...

Article GUID: 39361286

Challenges and Approaches in the Study of Neural Entrainment

Author(s): Duecker K; Doelling KB; Breska A; Coffey EBJ; Sivarao DV; Zoefel B;

When exposed to rhythmic stimulation, the human brain displays rhythmic activity across sensory modalities and regions. Given the ubiquity of this phenomenon, how sensory rhythms are transformed into neural rhythms remains surprisingly inconclusive. An influential model posits that endogenous oscillations entrain to external rhythms, thereby encoding envi ...

Article GUID: 39358026

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder and the impact of the family environment: A pilot study of the Reducing Unwanted Stress in the Home (RUSH) prevention program

Author(s): Ping EY; Herriot H; Iacono V; Serravalle L; Ellenbogen MA;

Background: The home environment of offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (OBD) has been characterized by high levels of stress and disorganization, which may impact development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and their subsequent risk for affective disorders. The present study examined the effects of a family-based preventative inte ...

Article GUID: 39357242

How to evaluate local fit (residuals) in large structural equation models

Author(s): Rex B Kline

Consistent with reporting standards for structural equation modelling (SEM), model fit should be evaluated at two different levels, global and local. Global fit concerns the overall or average correspondence between the entire data matrix and the model, given the parameter estimates for the model. Local fit is evaluated at the level of the residuals, or d ...

Article GUID: 39359027

The temporal sequence and reciprocal relationships of frailty, social isolation and loneliness in older adults across 21 years

Author(s): Mehrabi F; Pomeroy ML; Cudjoe TKM; Jenkins E; Dent E; Hoogendijk EO;

Background: It is unclear whether social isolation and loneliness may precede frailty status or whether frailty may precipitate social isolation and loneliness. We investigated the reciprocal and temporal sequence of social isolation, loneliness, and frailty among older adults across 21 years. Methods: We used seven waves of the Longitudinal Aging Study ...

Article GUID: 39360435

Pupillometry reveals effects of pitch manipulation within and across words on listening effort and short-term memory

Author(s): Zhang Y; Sares A; Delage A; Lehmann A; Deroche M;

For individuals with hearing loss, even successful speech communication comes at a cost. Cochlear implants transmit degraded information, specifically for voice pitch, which demands extra and sustained listening effort. The current study hypothesized that abnormal pitch patterns contribute to the additional listening effort, even in non-tonal language nat ...

Article GUID: 39349635

Enhancing Urban Climate Resistance Through the Application of Selected Strategies and Technologies

Author(s): Caroline Hachem-Vermette

Adapting cities for climate resilience is crucial as climate change increases the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. This study outlines a comprehensive set of resilience strategies aimed at enhancing urban resilience across four key domains: water, food, shelter, and energy. These strategies, applicable to both new and existing neighborhoo ...

Article GUID: 39345934

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