Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Simulation and computer modeling of asphaltene in different solvents on oil-water interfaces using a molecular dynamic methodology.

Author(s): Yuan J, Elektorowicz M, Chen Z, Segun GA, Vakili M, Zhong L, Wang B, Zhu J, Wu Y

J Mol Graph Model. 2019 Sep 13;93:107450 Authors: Yuan J, Elektorowicz M, Chen Z, Segun GA, Vakili M, Zhong L, Wang B, Zhu J, Wu Y

Article GUID: 31542686

Extended environmental multimedia modeling system assessing the risk carried by pollutants in interacted air-unsaturated-groundwater zones.

Author(s): Yuan J, Elektorowicz M

J Hazard Mater. 2019 Jul 22;381:120852 Authors: Yuan J, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 31376662

Electro-demulsification of water-in-oil suspensions enhanced with implementing various additives.

Author(s): Taslimi Taleghani S, Fellah Jahromi A, Elektorowicz M

Chemosphere. 2019 May 20;233:157-163 Authors: Taslimi Taleghani S, Fellah Jahromi A, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 31173953

Comparison of constant, pulsed, incremental and decremental direct current applications on solid-liquid phase separation in oil sediments.

Author(s): Kariminezhad E, Elektorowicz M

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Sep 15;358:475-483 Authors: Kariminezhad E, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 29655534

Effect of various electrokinetic treatment regimes on solids surface properties and thermal behavior of oil sediments.

Author(s): Kariminezhad E, Elektorowicz M

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Jul 05;353:227-235 Authors: Kariminezhad E, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 29674097

Assessment of Microbial Community Structure and Function in Serially Passaged Wastewater Electro-Bioreactor Sludge: An Approach to Enhance Sludge Settleability.

Author(s): ElNaker NA, Elektorowicz M, Naddeo V, Hasan SW, Yousef AF

Sci Rep. 2018 May 03;8(1):7013 Authors: ElNaker NA, Elektorowicz M, Naddeo V, Hasan SW, Yousef AF

Article GUID: 29725134

Effect of long-term electrodialytic soil remediation on Pb removal and soil weathering.

Author(s): Skibsted G, Ottosen LM, Elektorowicz M, Jensen PE

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Sep 15;358:459-466 Authors: Skibsted G, Ottosen LM, Elektorowicz M, Jensen PE

Article GUID: 29801718

Electrokinetically assisted oil-water phase separation in oily sludge with implementing novel controller system.

Author(s): Fellah Jahromi A, Elektorowicz M

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Sep 15;358:434-440 Authors: Fellah Jahromi A, Elektorowicz M

Article GUID: 30014933

Electrokinetic nondestructive in-situ technique for rehabilitation of liners damaged by fuels.

Author(s): Bani Baker M, Elektorowicz M, Hanna A

J Hazard Mater. 2018 Oct 05;359:510-515 Authors: Bani Baker M, Elektorowicz M, Hanna A

Article GUID: 30086521

Title:Electro-demulsification of water-in-oil suspensions enhanced with implementing various additives.
Authors:Taslimi Taleghani SFellah Jahromi AElektorowicz M
Dept Affiliation: ENCS
1 Department of Building Civil and Environmental Engineering Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada. Electronic address:
2 Department of Building Civil and Environmental Engineering Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada.


Electro-demulsification of water-in-oil suspensions enhanced with implementing various additives.

Chemosphere. 2019 May 20;233:157-163

Authors: Taslimi Taleghani S, Fellah Jahromi A, Elektorowicz M


A huge amount of various oily suspensions that frequently display properties of stable emulsions are produced per day in upstream and downstream petroleum industries. As this waste is considered potentially harmful to the environment, their management and disposal require particular attention. While current treatment processes, such as partial water removal via the separation of phases by centrifuging result in decreased waste volumes for disposal, a significant volume of water and oil remains trapped in the form of water-in-oil emulsion. Therefore, the electrokinetic method for oil-water separation came into consideration for the improvement of the quality and volume of separated products. This paper discusses the impacts of additives, namely, ferric chloride, alum, cationic polymer, clay, and a mixture of clay and cationic polymer on the electrokinetic treatment of suspensions. The tests were conducted at a lab scale using an array of steel electrodes and low voltage. The objective of this study was to observe the impact of voltage gradients on electro-demulsification, in conjunction with employing additives into the separation and recovery of water, light, and heavy oil. An optimal recovery of light oil by 28%-52% in addition to heavy oil and water in the presence of ferric chloride under a constant voltage gradient of 1 V/cm, was achieved. Furthermore, the same system revealed an excellent clarity of extracted water. The results from this study can be implemented at a larger scale in upstream and downstream petroleum industries.

PMID: 31173953 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]