Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Description, evaluation and scale-up potential of a model for rapid access to early intervention for psychosis.

Author(s): MacDonald K, Malla A, Joober R, Shah JL, Goldberg K, Abadi S, Doyle M, Iyer SN

Early Interv Psychiatry. 2018 12;12(6):1222-1228 Authors: MacDonald K, Malla A, Joober R, Shah JL, Goldberg K, Abadi S, Doyle M, Iyer SN

Article GUID: 29582562

Intranasal oxytocin and salivary cortisol concentrations during social rejection in university students.

Author(s): Linnen AM, Ellenbogen MA, Cardoso C, Joober R

Stress. 2012 Jul;15(4):393-402 Authors: Linnen AM, Ellenbogen MA, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22044077

The acute effects of intranasal oxytocin on automatic and effortful attentional shifting to emotional faces.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Grumet R, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychophysiology. 2012 Jan;49(1):128-37 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Grumet R, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22092248

Intranasal oxytocin attenuates the cortisol response to physical stress: a dose-response study.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):399-407 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Article GUID: 22889586

Intranasal oxytocin impedes the ability to ignore task-irrelevant facial expressions of sadness in students with depressive symptoms.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):387-98 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22902063

Intranasal oxytocin attenuates the human acoustic startle response independent of emotional modulation.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychophysiology. 2014 Nov;51(11):1169-77 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 25082371

Cognitive capacity similarly predicts insight into symptoms in first- and multiple-episode psychosis.

Author(s): Sauvé G, Kline RB, Shah JL, Joober R, Malla A, Brodeur MB, Lepage M

Schizophr Res. 2019 Apr;206:236-243 Authors: Sauvé G, Kline RB, Shah JL, Joober R, Malla A, Brodeur MB, Lepage M

Article GUID: 30514643

A longitudinal, epigenome-wide study of DNA methylation in anorexia nervosa: results in actively ill, partially weight-restored, long-term remitted and non-eating-disordered women

Author(s): Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2019 05 01;44(3):205-213 Authors: Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

Article GUID: 30693739

Title:The acute effects of intranasal oxytocin on automatic and effortful attentional shifting to emotional faces.
Authors:Ellenbogen MALinnen AMGrumet RCardoso CJoober R
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Centre for Research in Human Development, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.


The acute effects of intranasal oxytocin on automatic and effortful attentional shifting to emotional faces.

Psychophysiology. 2012 Jan;49(1):128-37

Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Grumet R, Cardoso C, Joober R


Oxytocin is known to promote social affiliation. The mechanism by which this occurs is unknown, but it may involve changes in social information processing. In a placebo-controlled study, we examined the influence of intranasal oxytocin on effortful and automatic attentional shifting in 57 participants using a spatial cueing task with emotional and neutral faces. For effortful processing, oxytocin decreased the speed of shifting attention to sad faces presented for 750?ms and facilitated disengagement from right hemifield sad and angry faces presented for 200?ms. For automatic processing, symptoms of depression moderated the relationship between drug and disengagement. Oxytocin attenuated an attentional bias to masked angry faces on disengagement trials in persons with high depression scores. Oxytocin's influence on social behavior may occur, in part, by eliciting flexible attentional shifting in the early stages of information processing.

PMID: 22092248 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]