Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior.

Author(s): Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Oct 06;: Authors: Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Article GUID: 30295713

Optogenetic Activation of the Infralimbic Cortex Suppresses the Return of Appetitive Pavlovian-Conditioned Responding Following Extinction.

Author(s): Villaruel FR, Lacroix F, Sanio C, Sparks DW, Chapman CA, Chaudhri N

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Dec 01;28(12):4210-4221 Authors: Villaruel FR, Lacroix F, Sanio C, Sparks DW, Chapman CA, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 29045570

Dissociation of Appetitive Overexpectation and Extinction in the Infralimic Cortex.

Author(s): Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Oct 29;: Authors: Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD

Article GUID: 30371757

Corrigendum: Dissociation of Appetitive Overexpectation and Extinction in the Infralimbic Cortex.

Author(s): Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD

Cereb Cortex. 2019 Apr 01;29(4):1703 Authors: Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD PMID: 30590441 [PubMed - in process]

Article GUID: 30590441

Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Type 5 (mGluR5) Cortical Abnormalities in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Identified In Vivo With [11C]ABP688 Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging.

Author(s): DuBois JM, Rousset OG, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Reader AJ, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Cereb Cortex. 2016 10 17;26(11):4170-4179 Authors: DuBois JM, Rousset OG, Guiot MC, Hall JA, Reader AJ, Soucy JP, Rosa-Neto P, Kobayashi E

Article GUID: 27578494

Age Differences in the Neural Mechanisms of Intertemporal Choice Under Subjective Decision Conflict

Author(s): Eppinger B; Heekeren HR; Li SC;

Older decision-makers may capitalize on their greater experiences in financial decisions and by this offset decline in cognitive abilities. However, this pattern of results should reverse in situations that place high demands on cognitive control functions....

Article GUID: 29028956

Title:Age Differences in the Neural Mechanisms of Intertemporal Choice Under Subjective Decision Conflict
Authors:Eppinger BHeekeren HRLi SC
Category:Cereb Cortex
Dept Affiliation: PERFORM
1 Department of Psychology, Chair of Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience,Technische Universität Dresden, Zellescher Weg 17, Dresden, Germany.
2 Department of Psychology, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, QC, Canada.
3 PERFORM centre, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, QC, Canada.
4 Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Berlin, Germany.


Older decision-makers may capitalize on their greater experiences in financial decisions and by this offset decline in cognitive abilities. However, this pattern of results should reverse in situations that place high demands on cognitive control functions. In this study, we investigated how decision conflict affects the neural mechanisms of intertemporal decision-making in younger and older adults. To individually adjust the level of decision conflict we determined the indifference point (IDP) in intertemporal decision-making for each participant. During functional magnetic resonance imaging, participants performed choice options close to their IDP (high conflict) or far away from the IDP (low conflict). In younger adults, decision conflict leads to reduced delay discounting and lower discount rates are associated with higher working memory (WM) capacity. In older adults, high decision conflict is associated with enhanced discounting, hypoactivation in the ventral striatum as well diminished ventral striatal representations of differences in subjective values. Taken together, our results show that under enhanced decision conflict, younger adults engage in a more reflective decision mode that reflects individual differences in WM capacity. In contrast, older adults get more present-oriented under high demands on cognitive control and this decision bias is associated with changes in striatal value signaling.