Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Work Fatigue Profiles: Nature, Implications, and Associations With Psychological Empowerment.

Author(s): Blais AR, Gillet N, Houle SA, Comeau CA, Morin AJS

The present study examined the distinct configurations, or profiles, taken by work fatigue dimensions among samples of military (n = 1,436) and civilian (n = 2,477) employees. We also tested profile similarity across these two samples of employees. In addit...

Article GUID: 33329261

Pantomime (Not Silent Gesture) in Multimodal Communication: Evidence From Children's Narratives.

Author(s): Marentette P, Furman R, Suvanto ME, Nicoladis E

Pantomime has long been considered distinct from co-speech gesture. It has therefore been argued that pantomime cannot be part of gesture-speech integration. We examine pantomime as distinct from silent gesture, focusing on non-co-speech gestures that occur...

Article GUID: 33329222

From Storybooks to Novels: A Retrospective Approach Linking Print Exposure in Childhood to Adolescence

Author(s): Tremblay B; Rodrigues ML; Martin-Chang S;

Despite the far-reaching advantages associated with leisure reading, it is an activity that fewer adolescents are choosing to pursue. The present study used a retrospective correlational approach to investigate shared storybook reading in childhood and curr...

Article GUID: 33071904

Infants Generalize Beliefs Across Individuals.

Author(s): Burnside K, Neumann C, Poulin-Dubois D

It has been argued that infants possess a rich, sophisticated theory of mind (ToM) that is only revealed with tasks based on spontaneous responses. A mature (ToM) implies the understanding that mental states are person specific. Previous studies on infants&...

Article GUID: 33071864

Predicting Interpersonal Outcomes From Information Processing Tasks Using Personally Relevant and Generic Stimuli: A Methodology Study

Author(s): Serravalle L; Tsekova V; Ellenbogen MA;

Despite evidence of differential processing of personally relevant stimuli (PR), most studies investigating attentional biases in processing emotional content use generic stimuli. We sought to examine differences in the processing of PR, relative to generic...

Article GUID: 33071861

The Effectiveness of Dance Therapy as an Adjunct to Rehabilitation of Adults With a Physical Disability.

Author(s): Swaine B, Poncet F, Lachance B, Proulx-Goulet C, Bergeron V, Brousse É, Lamoureux J, McKinley P...

Background/Objective: To determine the added benefit on participants' mobility and participation of a 12-week dance therapy (DT) intervention combined with usual physical rehabilitation for adu...

Article GUID: 32982831

On the Value of Considering Specific Facets of Interactional Justice Perceptions.

Author(s): Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Front Psychol. 2020;11:812 Authors: Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Article GUID: 32477210

A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers' Workplace Demands and Resources: Links With Work-Related Well-Being

Author(s): Collie RJ; Malmberg LE; Martin AJ; Sammons P; Morin AJS;

Teachers' healthy and effective functioning at work is impacted by the demands they face and the resources they can access. In this study, person-centered analysis was adopted to identify distinct teacher profiles of demands and resources. We investigat...

Article GUID: 32322226

Different Patterns of Sleep-Dependent Procedural Memory Consolidation in Vipassana Meditation Practitioners and Non-meditating Controls.

Author(s): Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Front Psychol. 2019;10:3014 Authors: Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T

Article GUID: 32038390

Editorial: Development of Student Understanding: Focus on Science Education.

Author(s): Kalman CS, Lattery M

Front Psychol. 2019;10:2861 Authors: Kalman CS, Lattery M PMID: 31920884 [PubMed]

Article GUID: 31920884

Understanding Events by Eye and Ear: Agent and Verb Drive Non-anticipatory Eye Movements in Dynamic Scenes.

Author(s): de Almeida RG, Di Nardo J, Antal C, von Grünau MW

Front Psychol. 2019;10:2162 Authors: de Almeida RG, Di Nardo J, Antal C, von Grünau MW

Article GUID: 31649574

The Impact of Instrument-Specific Musical Training on Rhythm Perception and Production

Author(s): Matthews TE; Thibodeau JN; Gunther BP; Penhune VB;

Studies comparing musicians and non-musicians have shown that musical training can improve rhythmic perception and production. These findings tell us that training can result in rhythm processing advantages, but they do not tell us whether practicing a part...

Article GUID: 26869969

Rhythm and Melody Tasks for School-Aged Children With and Without Musical Training: Age-Equivalent Scores and Reliability

Author(s): Ireland K; Parker A; Foster N; Penhune V;

Measuring musical abilities in childhood can be challenging. When music training and maturation occur simultaneously, it is difficult to separate the effects of specific experience from age-based changes in cognitive and motor abilities. The goal of this st...

Article GUID: 29674984

Emotion Regulation, Subjective Well-Being, and Perceived Stress in Daily Life of Geriatric Nurses

Author(s): Katana M; Röcke C; Spain SM; Allemand M;

This daily diary study examined the within-person coupling between four emotion regulation strategies and both subjective well-being and perceived stress in daily life of geriatric nurses. Participants (N = 89) described how they regulated their emotions in...

Article GUID: 31156513

Dyadic Coping, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, and Depressive Symptoms Among Parents of Preschool Children.

Author(s): Switzer A, Caldwell W, da Estrela C, Barker ET, Gouin JP

Front Psychol. 2018;9:1959 Authors: Switzer A, Caldwell W, da Estrela C, Barker ET, Gouin JP

Article GUID: 30386280

Motivating Moral Behavior: Helping, Sharing, and Comforting in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Author(s): Dunfield KA, Best LJ, Kelley EA, Kuhlmeier VA

Front Psychol. 2019;10:25 Authors: Dunfield KA, Best LJ, Kelley EA, Kuhlmeier VA

Article GUID: 30728793

Persistence of Effects of VLBW/PT Birth Status and Maternal Emotional Availability (EA) on Child EA Trajectories

Author(s): Stack DM; Matte-Gagné C; Dickson DJ;

Few studies have examined the longitudinal impact of birth status on the infant-mother relationship and on children's socio-emotional development. In the present study we investigated developmental patterns of such relationships [using the Emotional Ava...

Article GUID: 30761058

Developmental Changes in Learning: Computational Mechanisms and Social Influences.

Author(s): Bolenz F, Reiter AMF, Eppinger B

Front Psychol. 2017;8:2048 Authors: Bolenz F, Reiter AMF, Eppinger B

Article GUID: 29250006

Title:Rhythm and Melody Tasks for School-Aged Children With and Without Musical Training: Age-Equivalent Scores and Reliability
Authors:Ireland KParker AFoster NPenhune V
Category:Front Psychol
Dept Affiliation: PSYCHOLOGY
1 Penhune Laboratory for Motor Learning and Neural Plasticity, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
2 International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Measuring musical abilities in childhood can be challenging. When music training and maturation occur simultaneously, it is difficult to separate the effects of specific experience from age-based changes in cognitive and motor abilities. The goal of this study was to develop age-equivalent scores for two measures of musical ability that could be reliably used with school-aged children (7-13) with and without musical training. The children's Rhythm Synchronization Task (c-RST) and the children's Melody Discrimination Task (c-MDT) were adapted from adult tasks developed and used in our laboratories. The c-RST is a motor task in which children listen and then try to synchronize their taps with the notes of a woodblock rhythm while it plays twice in a row. The c-MDT is a perceptual task in which the child listens to two melodies and decides if the second was the same or different. We administered these tasks to 213 children in music camps (musicians, n = 130) and science camps (non-musicians, n = 83). We also measured children's paced tapping, non-paced tapping, and phonemic discrimination as baseline motor and auditory abilities We estimated internal-consistency reliability for both tasks, and compared children's performance to results from studies with adults. As expected, musically trained children outperformed those without music lessons, scores decreased as difficulty increased, and older children performed the best. Using non-musicians as a reference group, we generated a set of age-based z-scores, and used them to predict task performance with additional years of training. Years of lessons significantly predicted performance on both tasks, over and above the effect of age. We also assessed the relation between musician's scores on music tasks, baseline tasks, auditory working memory, and non-verbal reasoning. Unexpectedly, musician children outperformed non-musicians in two of three baseline tasks. The c-RST and c-MDT fill an important need for researchers interested in evaluating the impact of musical training in longitudinal studies, those interested in comparing the efficacy of different training methods, and for those assessing the impact of training on non-musical cognitive abilities such as language processing.