Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Influence of Homogenization and Solution Treatments Time on the Microstructure and Hardness of Inconel 718 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process.

Author(s): Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2020 Jun 05;13(11): Authors: Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 32516909

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Novel Sandwich Beam-Based Adaptive Tuned Vibration Absorber Featuring Magnetorheological Elastomer.

Author(s): Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Materials (Basel). 2020 May 14;13(10): Authors: Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Article GUID: 32422988

Water Droplet Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades: Mechanics, Testing, Modeling and Future Perspectives.

Author(s): Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2019 Dec 31;13(1): Authors: Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 31906204

Fabrication of Porous Gold Film Using Graphene Oxide as a Sacrificial Layer.

Author(s): Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Materials (Basel). 2019 Jul 18;12(14): Authors: Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Article GUID: 31323903

Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.

Author(s): Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Materials (Basel). 2018 Aug 02;11(8): Authors: Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Article GUID: 30072599

Morphology of Aluminum Alloy Foams Produced with Dolomite via Partial Sintering of Precursors.

Author(s): Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Materials (Basel). 2019 May 24;12(10): Authors: Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Article GUID: 31137682

Counting the Photons: Determining the Absolute Storage Capacity of Persistent Phosphors.

Author(s): Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Materials (Basel). 2017 Jul 28;10(8): Authors: Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Article GUID: 28773228