Keyword search (3,614 papers available)

Influence of Homogenization and Solution Treatments Time on the Microstructure and Hardness of Inconel 718 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process.

Author(s): Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2020 Jun 05;13(11): Authors: Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 32516909

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Novel Sandwich Beam-Based Adaptive Tuned Vibration Absorber Featuring Magnetorheological Elastomer.

Author(s): Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Materials (Basel). 2020 May 14;13(10): Authors: Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Article GUID: 32422988

Water Droplet Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades: Mechanics, Testing, Modeling and Future Perspectives.

Author(s): Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2019 Dec 31;13(1): Authors: Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 31906204

Fabrication of Porous Gold Film Using Graphene Oxide as a Sacrificial Layer.

Author(s): Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Materials (Basel). 2019 Jul 18;12(14): Authors: Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Article GUID: 31323903

Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.

Author(s): Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Materials (Basel). 2018 Aug 02;11(8): Authors: Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Article GUID: 30072599

Morphology of Aluminum Alloy Foams Produced with Dolomite via Partial Sintering of Precursors.

Author(s): Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Materials (Basel). 2019 May 24;12(10): Authors: Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Article GUID: 31137682

Counting the Photons: Determining the Absolute Storage Capacity of Persistent Phosphors.

Author(s): Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Materials (Basel). 2017 Jul 28;10(8): Authors: Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Article GUID: 28773228

Title:Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.
Authors:Tang LQian CInce AZheng JLi HHan Z
Category:Materials (Basel)
Dept Affiliation: ENCS
1 Department of Chemical Mechanics Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.
2 Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA.
3 Department of Chemical Mechanics Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.
4 Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA.
5 Department of Mechanical, Industrial & Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada.
6 Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA.
7 Department of Chemical Mechanics Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.
8 Department of Chemical Mechanics Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.


Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.

Materials (Basel). 2018 Aug 02;11(8):

Authors: Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z


In this paper, the fatigue crack growth behavior of the base metal (BM), the weld metal (WM) and the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in the metal-inert gas (MIG) welded joints of the 06Cr19Ni10 stainless steel are analyzed and studied. Results of the fatigue crack propagation tests show that a new fatigue crack initiates at the crack tip of a pre-existing crack, then propagates perpendicular to the direction of cyclic fatigue loads. This observation indicates that the original mixed-mode crack transforms into the mode I crack. The WM specimen has the largest fatigue crack growth rate, followed by the HAZ specimen and the BM specimen. To illustrate the differences in fatigue crack growth behavior of the three different types of specimens, metallographic structure, fracture morphology and residual stresses of the BM, HAZ and WM are investigated and discussed. The metallographic observations indicate that the mean grain size of the HAZ is relatively larger than that of the BM. The fractographic analysis shows that the WM has the largest fatigue striation width, followed by the HAZ and the BM. It is also found that the depth of dimple in the WM is relatively shallower than the one in the HAZ and BM, implying the poor plasticity behavior of the material. Analysis results of the residual stress analysis demonstrate a high level of tensile residual stress appearance in the WM and HAZ.

PMID: 30072599 [PubMed]