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Influence of Homogenization and Solution Treatments Time on the Microstructure and Hardness of Inconel 718 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process.

Author(s): Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2020 Jun 05;13(11): Authors: Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 32516909

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Novel Sandwich Beam-Based Adaptive Tuned Vibration Absorber Featuring Magnetorheological Elastomer.

Author(s): Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Materials (Basel). 2020 May 14;13(10): Authors: Asadi Khanouki M, Sedaghati R, Hemmatian M

Article GUID: 32422988

Water Droplet Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades: Mechanics, Testing, Modeling and Future Perspectives.

Author(s): Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Materials (Basel). 2019 Dec 31;13(1): Authors: Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M

Article GUID: 31906204

Fabrication of Porous Gold Film Using Graphene Oxide as a Sacrificial Layer.

Author(s): Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Materials (Basel). 2019 Jul 18;12(14): Authors: Alazzam A, Alamoodi N, Abutayeh M, Stiharu I, Nerguizian V

Article GUID: 31323903

Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.

Author(s): Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Materials (Basel). 2018 Aug 02;11(8): Authors: Tang L, Qian C, Ince A, Zheng J, Li H, Han Z

Article GUID: 30072599

Morphology of Aluminum Alloy Foams Produced with Dolomite via Partial Sintering of Precursors.

Author(s): Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Materials (Basel). 2019 May 24;12(10): Authors: Medina Ramirez AM, Vintila RR, Drew RAL

Article GUID: 31137682

Counting the Photons: Determining the Absolute Storage Capacity of Persistent Phosphors.

Author(s): Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Materials (Basel). 2017 Jul 28;10(8): Authors: Van der Heggen D, Joos JJ, Rodríguez Burbano DC, Capobianco JA, Smet PF

Article GUID: 28773228

Title:Water Droplet Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades: Mechanics, Testing, Modeling and Future Perspectives.
Authors:Elhadi Ibrahim MMedraj M
Category:Materials (Basel)
Dept Affiliation: ENCS
1 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada.


Water Droplet Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades: Mechanics, Testing, Modeling and Future Perspectives.

Materials (Basel). 2019 Dec 31;13(1):

Authors: Elhadi Ibrahim M, Medraj M


The problem of erosion due to water droplet impact has been a major concern for several industries for a very long time and it keeps reinventing itself wherever a component rotates or moves at high speed in a hydrometer environment. Recently, and as larger wind turbine blades are used, erosion of the leading edge due to rain droplets impact has become a serious issue. Leading-edge erosion causes a significant loss in aerodynamics efficiency of turbine blades leading to a considerable reduction in annual energy production. This paper reviews the topic of water droplet impact erosion as it emerges in wind turbine blades. A brief background on water droplet erosion and its industrial applications is first presented. Leading-edge erosion of wind turbine is briefly described in terms of materials involved and erosion conditions encountered in the blade. Emphases are then placed on the status quo of understanding the mechanics of water droplet erosion, experimental testing, and erosion prediction models. The main conclusions of this review are as follow. So far, experimental testing efforts have led to establishing a useful but incomplete understanding of the water droplet erosion phenomenon, the effect of different erosion parameters, and a general ranking of materials based on their ability to resist erosion. Techniques for experimentally measuring an objective erosion resistance (or erosion strength) of materials have, however, not yet been developed. In terms of modelling, speculations about the physical processes underlying water droplet erosion and consequently treating the problem from first principles have never reached a state of maturity. Efforts have, therefore, focused on formulating erosion prediction equations depending on a statistical analysis of large erosion tests data and often with a combination of presumed erosion mechanisms such as fatigue. Such prediction models have not reached the stage of generalization. Experimental testing and erosion prediction efforts need to be improved such that a coherent water droplet erosion theory can be established. The need for standardized testing and data representation practices as well as correlations between test data and real in-service erosion also remains urgent.

PMID: 31906204 [PubMed]