Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Acute caffeine reverses the disruptive effects of chronic fluoxetine on the sexual behavior of female and male rats.

Author(s): González Cautela BV; Quintana GR; Akerman J; Pfaus JG;

RATIONALE: Sexual side effects of chronic treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in humans include anorgasmia and loss of sexual desire and/or arousal which interferes with treatment compliance. There are few options at present to re...

Article GUID: 33242109

Correction to: Differential disruption of conditioned ejaculatory preference in the male rat based on different sensory modalities by micro-infusions of naloxone to the medial preoptic area or ventral tegmental area.

Author(s): Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2020 Jan 09;: Authors: Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31919562

A role for leptin and ghrelin in the augmentation of heroin seeking induced by chronic food restriction.

Author(s): D'Cunha TM, Chisholm A, Hryhorczuk C, Fulton S, Shalev U

RATIONAL: Caloric restriction increases the risk of relapse in abstinent drug users. Hormones involved in the regulation of energy balance and food intake, such as leptin and ghrelin, are implicated in drug-related behaviors. OBJECTIVES: We investigated the...

Article GUID: 31811350

Differential disruption of conditioned ejaculatory preference in the male rat based on different sensory modalities by micro-infusions of naloxone to the medial preoptic area or ventral tegmental area.

Author(s): Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2019 Jul 29;: Authors: Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31359118

Acute intranasal oxytocin improves positive self-perceptions of personality.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2012 Apr;220(4):741-9 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM

Article GUID: 22012170

Vendor differences in alcohol consumption and the contribution of dopamine receptors to Pavlovian-conditioned alcohol-seeking in Long-Evans rats.

Author(s): Sparks LM, Sciascia JM, Ayorech Z, Chaudhri N

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2014 Feb;231(4):753-64 Authors: Sparks LM, Sciascia JM, Ayorech Z, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 24096535

Food restriction-induced augmentation of heroin seeking in female rats: manipulations of ovarian hormones.

Author(s): Sedki F, Gardner Gregory J, Luminare A, D'Cunha TM, Shalev U

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2015 Oct;232(20):3773-82 Authors: Sedki F, Gardner Gregory J, Luminare A, D'Cunha TM, Shalev U

Article GUID: 26246318

Nicotine-induced enhancement of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking behavior in rats.

Author(s): Maddux JN, Chaudhri N

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2017 Feb;234(4):727-738 Authors: Maddux JN, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 28011981

Title:Nicotine-induced enhancement of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking behavior in rats.
Authors:Maddux JNChaudhri N
Category:Psychopharmacology (Berl)
Dept Affiliation: CSBN
1 Department of Psychology, Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology/FRQS Groupe de recherche en neurobiologie comportementale, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Room SP 244, Montreal, QC, H4B-1R6, Canada.
2 Department of Psychology, Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology/FRQS Groupe de recherche en neurobiologie comportementale, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Room SP 244, Montreal, QC, H4B-1R6, Canada.


Nicotine-induced enhancement of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking behavior in rats.

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2017 Feb;234(4):727-738

Authors: Maddux JN, Chaudhri N


RATIONALE: Nicotine enhances responding elicited by Pavlovian cues that predict positive outcomes.

OBJECTIVES: We tested the hypothesis that nicotine acting at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) would augment Pavlovian alcohol-seeking.

METHODS: Male, Long-Evans rats with unrestricted access to food and water were acclimated to drinking 15% ethanol in their home cages and then given Pavlovian conditioning sessions in which each trial of a 15-s conditioned stimulus (CS, 12 trials/session) was paired with 0.2 ml of ethanol (unconditioned stimulus, US, 2.4 ml/session). Entries into a port where ethanol was delivered were used to assess conditioning. Control groups received explicitly unpaired trials of the CS and US. In experiment 1, systemic injections of saline (1 ml/kg) or nicotine (0.4 mg/kg, freebase) were administered before each session. In experiments 2 and 3, an identical regimen of saline or nicotine injections was administered before the start of Pavlovian conditioning sessions.

RESULTS: All paired groups acquired conditioned port-entry responding to the CS, indicative of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking, whereas unpaired control group did not. Pre-session nicotine injections increased CS port-entries relative to saline, only in the paired group. This nicotine-induced enhancement of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking was blocked by pre-treatment with the nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. Prior exposure to nicotine did not influence the subsequent acquisition of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight for the first time that nicotine acting at nAChRs augments Pavlovian alcohol-seeking, specifically in non-restricted rats. Individuals who smoke and drink may thus be particularly susceptible to alcohol cues that could trigger further drinking.

PMID: 28011981 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]