Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Sediment Metagenomes as Time Capsules of Lake Microbiomes.

Author(s): Garner RE; Gregory-Eaves I; Walsh DA;

The reconstruction of ecological time series from lake sediment archives can retrace the environmental impact of human activities. Molecular genetic approaches in paleolimnology have provided unprecedented access to DNA time series, which record evidence of...

Article GUID: 33148818

Modelling Free-Living and Particle-Associated Bacterial Assemblages across the Deep and Hypoxic Lower St. Lawrence Estuary.

Author(s): Cui TT, Dawson TJ, McLatchie S, Dunn K, Bielawski J, Walsh DA

mSphere. 2020 May 20;5(3): Authors: Cui TT, Dawson TJ, McLatchie S, Dunn K, Bielawski J, Walsh DA

Article GUID: 32434843

Functional Characterization of Clinical Isolates of the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus nidulans.

Author(s): Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lag...

mSphere. 2020 Apr 08;5(2): Authors: Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lagrou K, Marcet-Houben...

Article GUID: 32269156

Nucleotide Excision Repair Protein Rad23 Regulates Cell Virulence Independent of Rad4 in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Feng J, Yao S, Dong Y, Hu J, Whiteway M, Feng J

mSphere. 2020 Feb 19;5(1): Authors: Feng J, Yao S, Dong Y, Hu J, Whiteway M, Feng J

Article GUID: 32075883

The Genomic Landscape of the Fungus-Specific SWI/SNF Complex Subunit, Snf6, in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6): Authors: Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 29152582

MAP Kinase Regulation of the Candida albicans Pheromone Pathway.

Author(s): Rastghalam G, Omran RP, Alizadeh M, Fulton D, Mallick J, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2019 02 20;4(1): Authors: Rastghalam G, Omran RP, Alizadeh M, Fulton D, Mallick J, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 30787119

Put3 Positively Regulates Proline Utilization in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Tebung WA, Omran RP, Fulton DL, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6): Authors: Tebung WA, Omran RP, Fulton DL, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 29242833

Title:Modelling Free-Living and Particle-Associated Bacterial Assemblages across the Deep and Hypoxic Lower St. Lawrence Estuary.
Authors:Cui TTDawson TJMcLatchie SDunn KBielawski JWalsh DA
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2 Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
3 Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Modelling Free-Living and Particle-Associated Bacterial Assemblages across the Deep and Hypoxic Lower St. Lawrence Estuary.

mSphere. 2020 May 20;5(3):

Authors: Cui TT, Dawson TJ, McLatchie S, Dunn K, Bielawski J, Walsh DA


The Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) in eastern Canada are among the largest and most productive coastal ecosystems in the world. Very little information on bacterial diversity exists, hampering our understanding of the relationships between bacterial community structure and biogeochemical function in the EGSL. During the productive spring period, we investigated free-living and particle-associated bacterial communities across the stratified waters of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, including the particle-rich surface and bottom boundary layers. Modelling of community structure based on 16S rRNA gene and transcript diversity identified bacterial assemblages specifically associated with four habitat types defined by water mass (upper water or lower water column) and size fraction (free living or particle associated). Assemblages from the upper waters represent sets of cooccurring bacterial populations that are widely distributed across Lower St. Lawrence Estuary surface waters and likely key contributors to organic matter degradation during the spring. In addition, we provide strong evidence that particles in deep hypoxic waters and the bottom boundary layer support a metabolically active bacterial community that is compositionally distinct from those of surface particles and the free-living communities. Among the distinctive features of the bacterial assemblage associated with lower-water particles was the presence of uncultivated lineages of Deltaproteobacteria, including marine myxobacteria. Overall, these results provide an important ecological framework for further investigations of the biogeochemical contributions of bacterial populations in this important coastal marine ecosystem.IMPORTANCE The Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) in eastern Canada is an appealing ecosystem for studying how microbial communities and metabolic processes are related to environmental change. Ocean and climate variability result in large spatiotemporal variations in environmental conditions and oceanographic processes. The EGSL is also exposed to a variety of additional human pressures that threaten its integrity and sustainable use, including shipping, aquiculture, coastal development, and oil exploration. To monitor and perhaps mitigate the impacts of these human activities on the EGSL, a comprehensive understanding of the biological communities is required. In this study, we provide the first comprehensive view of bacterial diversity in the EGSL and describe the distinct bacterial assemblages associated with different environmental habitats. This work therefore provides an important baseline ecological framework for bacterial communities in the EGSL useful for further studies on how these communities may respond to environmental change.

PMID: 32434843 [PubMed - in process]