Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Sediment Metagenomes as Time Capsules of Lake Microbiomes.

Author(s): Garner RE; Gregory-Eaves I; Walsh DA;

The reconstruction of ecological time series from lake sediment archives can retrace the environmental impact of human activities. Molecular genetic approaches in paleolimnology have provided unprecedented access to DNA time series, which record evidence of...

Article GUID: 33148818

Modelling Free-Living and Particle-Associated Bacterial Assemblages across the Deep and Hypoxic Lower St. Lawrence Estuary.

Author(s): Cui TT, Dawson TJ, McLatchie S, Dunn K, Bielawski J, Walsh DA

mSphere. 2020 May 20;5(3): Authors: Cui TT, Dawson TJ, McLatchie S, Dunn K, Bielawski J, Walsh DA

Article GUID: 32434843

Functional Characterization of Clinical Isolates of the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus nidulans.

Author(s): Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lag...

mSphere. 2020 Apr 08;5(2): Authors: Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lagrou K, Marcet-Houben...

Article GUID: 32269156

Nucleotide Excision Repair Protein Rad23 Regulates Cell Virulence Independent of Rad4 in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Feng J, Yao S, Dong Y, Hu J, Whiteway M, Feng J

mSphere. 2020 Feb 19;5(1): Authors: Feng J, Yao S, Dong Y, Hu J, Whiteway M, Feng J

Article GUID: 32075883

The Genomic Landscape of the Fungus-Specific SWI/SNF Complex Subunit, Snf6, in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6): Authors: Tebbji F, Chen Y, Sellam A, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 29152582

MAP Kinase Regulation of the Candida albicans Pheromone Pathway.

Author(s): Rastghalam G, Omran RP, Alizadeh M, Fulton D, Mallick J, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2019 02 20;4(1): Authors: Rastghalam G, Omran RP, Alizadeh M, Fulton D, Mallick J, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 30787119

Put3 Positively Regulates Proline Utilization in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Tebung WA, Omran RP, Fulton DL, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6): Authors: Tebung WA, Omran RP, Fulton DL, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M

Article GUID: 29242833

Title:Put3 Positively Regulates Proline Utilization in Candida albicans.
Authors:Tebung WAOmran RPFulton DLMorschhäuser JWhiteway M
Dept Affiliation: BIOLOGY
1 Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2 Biology Department, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
3 Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.


Put3 Positively Regulates Proline Utilization in Candida albicans.

mSphere. 2017 Nov-Dec;2(6):

Authors: Tebung WA, Omran RP, Fulton DL, Morschhäuser J, Whiteway M


The zinc cluster transcription factor Put3 was initially characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the transcriptional activator of PUT1 and PUT2, two genes acting early in the proline assimilation pathway. We have used phenotypic studies, transcription profiling, and chromatin immunoprecipitation with microarray technology (ChIP-chip) to establish that unlike S. cerevisiae, which only uses proline as a nitrogen source, Candida albicans can use proline as a nitrogen source, a carbon source, or a source of both nitrogen and carbon. However, a C. albicans put3 null mutant cannot grow on proline, suggesting that as in S. cerevisiae, C. albicans Put3 (CaPut3) is required for proline catabolism, and because the C. albicans put3 null mutant grew efficiently on glutamate as the sole carbon or nitrogen source, it appears that CaPut3 also regulates the early genes of the pathway. CaPut3 showed direct binding to the CaPUT1 promoter, and both PUT1 and PUT2 were upregulated in response to proline addition in a Put3-dependent manner, as well as in a C. albicans strain expressing a hyperactive Put3. CaPut3 directs proline degradation even in the presence of a good nitrogen source such as ammonia, which contrasts with S. cerevisiae Put3 (ScPut3)-regulated proline catabolism, which only occurs in the absence of a rich nitrogen source. Thus, while overall proline regulatory circuitry differs between S. cerevisiae and C. albicans, the specific role of Put3 appears fundamentally conserved. IMPORTANCECandida albicans poses a significant threat to the lives of immunocompromised people. Historically, knowledge has been drawn from studies on Saccharomyces cerevisiae to understand the pathogen, and many Candida albicans genes are named after their S. cerevisiae orthologs. Direct studies on the pathogen have, however, revealed differences in the roles of some orthologous proteins in the two yeasts. We show that the Put3 transcription factor allows the pathogen to completely degrade proline to usable nitrogen and carbon by evading regulatory restrictions imposed on its S. cerevisiae ortholog, which mandates conditional use of proline only as a nitrogen source in the baker's yeast. The ability of Candida albicans to freely obtain nutrients from multiple sources may help it thrive as a commensal and opportunistic pathogen.

PMID: 29242833 [PubMed]