Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

A method of calculating initial DNA strand breakage following the decay of incorporated 125I.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Humm JL

Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med. 1988 Mar;53(3):353-65 Authors: Charlton DE, Humm JL

Article GUID: 3257951

Comments on strand breaks calculated from average doses to the DNA from incorporated isotopes.

Author(s): Charlton DE

Radiat Res. 1988 Apr;114(1):192-7 Authors: Charlton DE

Article GUID: 3353505

Calculation of initial yields of single- and double-strand breaks in cell nuclei from electrons, protons and alpha particles.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Nikjoo H, Humm JL

Int J Radiat Biol. 1989 Jul;56(1):1-19 Authors: Charlton DE, Nikjoo H, Humm JL

Article GUID: 2569005

Cell survival from single passages for high-LET track-segment experiments with cell monolayers.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Turner MS

Radiat Res. 1993 Nov;136(2):297 Authors: Charlton DE, Turner MS PMID: 8248489 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 8248489

Monte Carlo calculations of ion passages through brain endothelial nuclei during boron neutron capture therapy.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Allen BJ

Int J Radiat Biol. 1993 Dec;64(6):739-47 Authors: Charlton DE, Allen BJ

Article GUID: 7903342

Use of chord lengths through the nucleus to simulate the survival of mammalian cells exposed to high LET alpha-radiation.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Turner MS

Int J Radiat Biol. 1996 Feb;69(2):213-7 Authors: Charlton DE, Turner MS PMID: 8609458 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 8609458

Microdosimetry of haemopoietic stem cells irradiated by alpha particles from the short-lived products of 222Rn decays in fat cells and haemopoietic tissue.

Author(s): Charlton DE, Utteridge TD, Beddoe AH

Int J Radiat Biol. 1996 May;69(5):585-92 Authors: Charlton DE, Utteridge TD, Beddoe AH

Article GUID: 8648246

The minimum Do for cell killing for alpha-particle emitters uniformly distributed in an extended medium.

Author(s): Charlton DE

Radiat Res. 1998 Jun;149(6):646-8 Authors: Charlton DE

Article GUID: 9611104

The survival of monolayers of cells growing in clusters irradiated by 211At appended to the cell surfaces.

Author(s): Charlton DE

Radiat Res. 1999 Jun;151(6):750-3 Authors: Charlton DE

Article GUID: 10360796

Radiation effects in spheroids of cells exposed to alpha emitters.

Author(s): Charlton DE

Int J Radiat Biol. 2000 Nov;76(11):1555-64 Authors: Charlton DE

Article GUID: 11098858

Title:Radiation effects in spheroids of cells exposed to alpha emitters.
Authors:Charlton DE
Category:Int J Radiat Biol
Dept Affiliation: PHYSICS
1 Physics Department, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


Radiation effects in spheroids of cells exposed to alpha emitters.

Int J Radiat Biol. 2000 Nov;76(11):1555-64

Authors: Charlton DE


PURPOSE: To simulate spheroids of cells and use the spheroid models to establish methods of calculating cell survival following exposure to alpha irradiation from decays of 211At and 213Bi.

METHODS: Using a Monte Carlo technique, two models of spheroids of cells were generated in which cells either did not or were allowed to overlap. At 40% packing of the volume it is shown that the two models are equivalent for longer-ranged alpha particles. The overlapping model was used to examine the effects of spheroid size and cell packing on cell survival. Cell survival was also calculated for different distributions of alpha decays such as uniform distribution within the spheroid, external to the spheroid and as a shell on the periphery of the spheroid.

RESULTS: Three examples of the cell structure of the spheroids are shown. Detailed calculations show that cell survival decreases from 57% to 37% as the spheroid diameter increases from 75 microm to 225 microm for an average of one 211At decay per cell and 50% packing. Increasing the packing of the cells in the spheroid from 40% to 70% reduces survival from 46% to 26% for 200 microm diameter spheroids for one 211At or 213Bi decay per cell. The presence of small regions of unlabelled cells within the spheroids does not significantly change cell survival.

CONCLUSIONS: Monte Carlo programmes generating spheroids of cells and their subsequent use to score cell survival for alpha irradiation should be useful in the design and interpretation of work on spheroids of cells in vitro and the application of such modelling to the study of very small tumours in vivo. Copies of the programmes are available from the author on request.

PMID: 11098858 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]