Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Sublethal Paraquat Confers Multidrug Tolerance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Inducing Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Lowering Envelope Permeability.

Author(s): Martins D, McKay GA, English AM, Nguyen D

Stressors and environmental cues shape the physiological state of bacteria, and thus how they subsequently respond to antibiotic toxicity. To understand how superoxide stress can modulate survival to bactericidal antibiotics, we examined the effect of intra...

Article GUID: 33101252

Ctt1 catalase activity potentiates antifungal azoles in the emerging opportunistic pathogen Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Author(s): Martins D, Nguyen D, English AM

Sci Rep. 2019 Jun 24;9(1):9185 Authors: Martins D, Nguyen D, English AM

Article GUID: 31235707

Derivatization of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase with pentaammineruthenium(III).

Author(s): Fox T, English AM, Gibbs BF

Derivatization of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase with pentaammineruthenium(III).
Bioconjug Chem. 1994 Jan-Feb;5(1):14-20
Authors: Fox T, English AM, Gibbs BF
Cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) was derivatized using aquopentaamminerutheniu...

Article GUID: 8199229

Mass spectral analysis of protein-based radicals using DBNBS. Nonradical adduct formation versus spin trapping.

Author(s): Filosa A, English AM

J Biol Chem. 2001 Jun 15;276(24):21022-7 Authors: Filosa A, English AM

Article GUID: 11262405

Heme nitrosylation of deoxyhemoglobin by s-nitrosoglutathione requires copper.

Author(s): Romeo AA, Capobianco JA, English AM

J Biol Chem. 2002 Jul 05;277(27):24135-41 Authors: Romeo AA, Capobianco JA, English AM

Article GUID: 11970954

S-nitrosation of Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-free recombinant calbindin D(28K) from human brain.

Author(s): Tao L, Murphy ME, English AM

Biochemistry. 2002 May 14;41(19):6185-92 Authors: Tao L, Murphy ME, English AM

Article GUID: 11994015

Different pathways of radical translocation in yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and its W191F mutant on reaction with H(2)O(2) suggest an antioxidant role.

Author(s): Tsaprailis G, English AM

J Biol Inorg Chem. 2003 Feb;8(3):248-55 Authors: Tsaprailis G, English AM

Article GUID: 12589560

Mechanism of S-nitrosation of recombinant human brain calbindin D28K.

Author(s): Tao L, English AM

Biochemistry. 2003 Mar 25;42(11):3326-34 Authors: Tao L, English AM

Article GUID: 12641465

Quantitative analysis of the yeast proteome by incorporation of isotopically labeled leucine.

Author(s): Jiang H, English AM

J Proteome Res. 2002 Jul-Aug;1(4):345-50 Authors: Jiang H, English AM

Article GUID: 12645890

Scavenging with TEMPO* to identify peptide- and protein-based radicals by mass spectrometry: advantages of spin scavenging over spin trapping.

Author(s): Wright PJ, English AM

J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Jul 16;125(28):8655-65 Authors: Wright PJ, English AM

Article GUID: 12848573

ESI-MS and FTIR studies of the interaction between the second PDZ domain of hPTP1E and target peptides.

Author(s): Papp R, Ekiel I, English AM

Biochem Cell Biol. 2003 Apr;81(2):71-80 Authors: Papp R, Ekiel I, English AM

Article GUID: 12870871

Superoxide dismutase targets NO from GSNO to Cysbeta93 of oxyhemoglobin in concentrated but not dilute solutions of the protein.

Author(s): Romeo AA, Capobianco JA, English AM

J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Nov 26;125(47):14370-8 Authors: Romeo AA, Capobianco JA, English AM

Article GUID: 14624585

Protein S-glutathiolation triggered by decomposed S-nitrosoglutathione.

Author(s): Tao L, English AM

Biochemistry. 2004 Apr 06;43(13):4028-38 Authors: Tao L, English AM

Article GUID: 15049710

Mass spectrometric analysis of nitroxyl-mediated protein modification: comparison of products formed with free and protein-based cysteines.

Author(s): Shen B, English AM

Biochemistry. 2005 Oct 25;44(42):14030-44 Authors: Shen B, English AM

Article GUID: 16229492

Hemoglobin S-nitrosation on oxygenation of nitrite/deoxyhemoglobin incubations is attenuated by methemoglobin.

Author(s): Laterreur J, English AM

J Inorg Biochem. 2007 Nov;101(11-12):1827-35 Authors: Laterreur J, English AM

Article GUID: 17889368

ESI-MS quantitation of iron as its 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR) complex: application to pharmaceutical tablets containing iron oxide pigment.

Author(s): Susanto D, English AM, Sharma R, Kwong E

J Mass Spectrom. 2011 May;46(5):508-16 Authors: Susanto D, English AM, Sharma R, Kwong E

Article GUID: 21520348

SOD1 oxidation and formation of soluble aggregates in yeast: relevance to sporadic ALS development.

Author(s): Martins D, English AM

Redox Biol. 2014;2:632-9 Authors: Martins D, English AM

Article GUID: 24936435

Targeted proteomics identify metabolism-dependent interactors of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase: implications in stress response and heme trafficking.

Author(s): Kathiresan M, English AM

Metallomics. 2016 Apr;8(4):434-43 Authors: Kathiresan M, English AM

Article GUID: 26980054

LC-MS/MS suggests that hole hopping in cytochrome c peroxidase protects its heme from oxidative modification by excess H2O2.

Author(s): Kathiresan M, English AM

Chem Sci. 2017 Feb 01;8(2):1152-1162 Authors: Kathiresan M, English AM

Article GUID: 28451256

Superoxide dismutase activity confers (p)ppGpp-mediated antibiotic tolerance to stationary-phase Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Author(s): Martins D, McKay G, Sampathkumar G, Khakimova M, English AM, Nguyen D

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 09 25;115(39):9797-9802 Authors: Martins D, McKay G, Sampathkumar G, Khakimova M, English AM, Nguyen D

Article GUID: 30201715

Title:Superoxide dismutase targets NO from GSNO to Cysbeta93 of oxyhemoglobin in concentrated but not dilute solutions of the protein.
Authors:Romeo AACapobianco JAEnglish AM
Category:J Am Chem Soc
Dept Affiliation: CHEMBIOCHEM
1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8.


Superoxide dismutase targets NO from GSNO to Cysbeta93 of oxyhemoglobin in concentrated but not dilute solutions of the protein.

J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Nov 26;125(47):14370-8

Authors: Romeo AA, Capobianco JA, English AM


The role of hemoglobin (Hb) in transmitting the vasodilatory property of NO throughout the vascular system is of much current interest. NO exchange between Hb and low-molecular-weight nitrosothiols such as S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) has been speculated and reported in vitro. Previously, we reported that NO delivery from GSNO to Cysbeta93 of human oxyHb is prevented in the presence of the Cu chelators, neocuproine, and DTPA.(1) In the present work, 5 mM solutions of commercial human Hb were found by ICP-MS to contain approximately 20 microM Cu and Zn, suggesting the presence of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), which was confirmed by Western blotting. SOD activity measurements were consistent with the presence of approximately 20 microM CuZnSOD monomer in 5 mM Hb solutions, which is the physiological concentrations of these proteins in the red blood cell. Incubation of 3.75 mM oxyHb (15 mM heme; 7.5 mM Cysbeta93) with 3.75 or 7.5 mM GSNO gave rise to 50% or 100% S-nitrosation, respectively, of Cysbeta93 as monitored by FTIR nu(SH) absorption, whereas excess GSNO over Cysbeta93 converted oxyHb to metHb due to the reaction, oxyHb + NO<==>metHb + NO(3)(-). Removal of CuZnSOD by anion-exchange chromatography yielded an oxyHb sample that was unreactive toward GSNO, and replacement with bovine CuZnSOD restored reactivity. Addition of 1 microM GSNO (Cysbeta93/GSNO = 1) to solutions diluted 10(4)-fold from physiological concentrations of oxyHb and CuZnSOD resulted largely in metHb formation. Thus, this work reports the following key findings: CuZnSOD is an efficient catalyst of NO transfer between GSNO and Cysbeta93 of oxyHb; metHb is not detected in oxyHb/GSNO incubates containing close to the physiological concentration (5 mM) of Hb and CuZnSOD when the Cysbeta93/GSNO molar ratio is 0.5 to 1.0, but metHb is detected when the total Hb concentration is low micromolar. These results suggest that erythrocyte CuZnSOD may play a critical role in preserving the biological activity of NO by targeting it from GSNO to Cysbeta93 of oxyHb rather than to its oxyheme.

PMID: 14624585 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]