Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.

Author(s): Avigdor T, Abdallah C, von Ellenrieder N, Hedrich T, Rubino A, Lo Russo G, Bernhardt B, Nobili L, Grova C, Frauscher B...

OBJECTIVE: Fast Oscillations (FO) >40 Hz are a promising biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Evidence using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) remains scarce. We assessed if electrical source...

Article GUID: 33450578

Contactless Capacitive Electrocardiography Using Hybrid Flexible Printed Electrodes.

Author(s): Lessard-Tremblay M, Weeks J, Morelli L, Cowan G, Gagnon G, Zednik RJ

Traditional capacitive electrocardiogram (cECG) electrodes suffer from limited patient comfort, difficulty of disinfection and low signal-to-noise ratio in addition to the challenge of integrating them in wearables. A novel hybrid flexible cECG electrode wa...

Article GUID: 32927651

The antibacterial activity of p-tert-butylcalix[6]arene and its effect on a membrane model: molecular dynamics and Langmuir film studies.

Author(s): Wrobel EC, de Lara LS, do Carmo TAS, Castellen P, Lazzarotto M, de Lázaro SR, Camilo A, Caseli L, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE, Wohnrath K

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2020 Mar 03;: Authors: Wrobel EC, de Lara LS, do Carmo TAS, Castellen P, Lazzarotto M, de Lázaro SR, Camilo A, Caseli L, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE, Wohnrath K

Article GUID: 32124897

Computer-Aided Diagnosis System of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multimodal Fusion: Tissue Quantification Based on the Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic-Possibilistic Model and Discriminative Classification Based on the SVDD Model.

Author(s): Lazli L, Boukadoum M, Ait Mohamed O

Brain Sci. 2019 Oct 22;9(10): Authors: Lazli L, Boukadoum M, Ait Mohamed O

Article GUID: 31652635

The first MICCAI challenge on PET tumor segmentation.

Author(s): Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky...

Med Image Anal. 2018 02;44:177-195 Authors: Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Girard P...

Article GUID: 29268169

Caloric restriction extends yeast chronological lifespan via a mechanism linking cellular aging to cell cycle regulation, maintenance of a quiescent state, entry into a non-quiescent state and survival in the non-quiescent state.

Author(s): Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, ...

Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 19;8(41):69328-69350 Authors: Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, Roofi...

Article GUID: 29050207

Expedition Cognition: A Review and Prospective of Subterranean Neuroscience With Spaceflight Applications.

Author(s): Mogilever NB, Zuccarelli L, Burles F, Iaria G, Strapazzon G, Bessone L, Coffey EBJ

Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:407 Authors: Mogilever NB, Zuccarelli L, Burles F, Iaria G, Strapazzon G, Bessone L, Coffey EBJ

Article GUID: 30425628

Human Physiology During Exposure to the Cave Environment: A Systematic Review With Implications for Aerospace Medicine.

Author(s): Zuccarelli L, Galasso L, Turner R, Coffey EJB, Bessone L, Strapazzon G

Front Physiol. 2019;10:442 Authors: Zuccarelli L, Galasso L, Turner R, Coffey EJB, Bessone L, Strapazzon G

Article GUID: 31068833

Title:Computer-Aided Diagnosis System of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multimodal Fusion: Tissue Quantification Based on the Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic-Possibilistic Model and Discriminative Classification Based on the SVDD Model.
Authors:Lazli LBoukadoum MAit Mohamed O
Category:Brain Sci
Dept Affiliation: ENCS
1 Department of Electrical engineering, École de technologie supérieure, ÉTS, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada.
2 CoFaMic research Center, Computer Science department, Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada.
3 Computer Science department, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba, UBMA, Annaba 23000, Algeria.
4 CoFaMic research Center, Computer Science department, Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada.
5 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada.


Computer-Aided Diagnosis System of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multimodal Fusion: Tissue Quantification Based on the Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic-Possibilistic Model and Discriminative Classification Based on the SVDD Model.

Brain Sci. 2019 Oct 22;9(10):

Authors: Lazli L, Boukadoum M, Ait Mohamed O


: An improved computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system is proposed for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) based on the fusion of anatomical (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) and functional (8F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)) multimodal images, and which helps to address the strong ambiguity or the uncertainty produced in brain images. The merit of this fusion is that it provides anatomical information for the accurate detection of pathological areas characterized in functional imaging by physiological abnormalities. First, quantification of brain tissue volumes is proposed based on a fusion scheme in three successive steps: modeling, fusion and decision. (1) Modeling which consists of three sub-steps: the initialization of the centroids of the tissue clusters by applying the Bias corrected Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm. Then, the optimization of the initial partition is performed by running genetic algorithms. Finally, the creation of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tissue maps by applying the Possibilistic FCM clustering algorithm. (2) Fusion using a possibilistic operator to merge the maps of the MRI and PET images highlighting redundancies and managing ambiguities. (3) Decision offering more representative anatomo-functional fusion images. Second, a support vector data description (SVDD) classifier is used that must reliably distinguish AD from normal aging and automatically detects outliers. The "divide and conquer" strategy is then used, which speeds up the SVDD process and reduces the load and cost of the calculating. The robustness of the tissue quantification process is proven against noise (20% level), partial volume effects and when inhomogeneities of spatial intensity are high. Thus, the superiority of the SVDD classifier over competing conventional systems is also demonstrated with the adoption of the 10-fold cross-validation approach for synthetic datasets (Alzheimer disease neuroimaging (ADNI) and Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS)) and real images. The percentage of classification in terms of accuracy (%), sensitivity (%), specificity (%) and area under ROC curve was 93.65%, 90.08%, 92.75% and 0.973; 91.46%, 92%, 91.78% and 0.967; 85.09%, 86.41%, 84.92% and 0.946 in the case of the ADNI, OASIS and real images respectively.

PMID: 31652635 [PubMed]