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Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.

Author(s): Avigdor T, Abdallah C, von Ellenrieder N, Hedrich T, Rubino A, Lo Russo G, Bernhardt B, Nobili L, Grova C, Frauscher B...

OBJECTIVE: Fast Oscillations (FO) >40 Hz are a promising biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Evidence using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) remains scarce. We assessed if electrical source...

Article GUID: 33450578

Contactless Capacitive Electrocardiography Using Hybrid Flexible Printed Electrodes.

Author(s): Lessard-Tremblay M, Weeks J, Morelli L, Cowan G, Gagnon G, Zednik RJ

Traditional capacitive electrocardiogram (cECG) electrodes suffer from limited patient comfort, difficulty of disinfection and low signal-to-noise ratio in addition to the challenge of integrating them in wearables. A novel hybrid flexible cECG electrode wa...

Article GUID: 32927651

The antibacterial activity of p-tert-butylcalix[6]arene and its effect on a membrane model: molecular dynamics and Langmuir film studies.

Author(s): Wrobel EC, de Lara LS, do Carmo TAS, Castellen P, Lazzarotto M, de Lázaro SR, Camilo A, Caseli L, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE, Wohnrath K

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2020 Mar 03;: Authors: Wrobel EC, de Lara LS, do Carmo TAS, Castellen P, Lazzarotto M, de Lázaro SR, Camilo A, Caseli L, Schmidt R, DeWolf CE, Wohnrath K

Article GUID: 32124897

Computer-Aided Diagnosis System of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multimodal Fusion: Tissue Quantification Based on the Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic-Possibilistic Model and Discriminative Classification Based on the SVDD Model.

Author(s): Lazli L, Boukadoum M, Ait Mohamed O

Brain Sci. 2019 Oct 22;9(10): Authors: Lazli L, Boukadoum M, Ait Mohamed O

Article GUID: 31652635

The first MICCAI challenge on PET tumor segmentation.

Author(s): Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky...

Med Image Anal. 2018 02;44:177-195 Authors: Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Girard P...

Article GUID: 29268169

Caloric restriction extends yeast chronological lifespan via a mechanism linking cellular aging to cell cycle regulation, maintenance of a quiescent state, entry into a non-quiescent state and survival in the non-quiescent state.

Author(s): Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, ...

Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 19;8(41):69328-69350 Authors: Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, Roofi...

Article GUID: 29050207

Expedition Cognition: A Review and Prospective of Subterranean Neuroscience With Spaceflight Applications.

Author(s): Mogilever NB, Zuccarelli L, Burles F, Iaria G, Strapazzon G, Bessone L, Coffey EBJ

Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:407 Authors: Mogilever NB, Zuccarelli L, Burles F, Iaria G, Strapazzon G, Bessone L, Coffey EBJ

Article GUID: 30425628

Human Physiology During Exposure to the Cave Environment: A Systematic Review With Implications for Aerospace Medicine.

Author(s): Zuccarelli L, Galasso L, Turner R, Coffey EJB, Bessone L, Strapazzon G

Front Physiol. 2019;10:442 Authors: Zuccarelli L, Galasso L, Turner R, Coffey EJB, Bessone L, Strapazzon G

Article GUID: 31068833

Title:Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.
Authors:Avigdor TAbdallah Cvon Ellenrieder NHedrich TRubino ALo Russo GBernhardt BNobili LGrova CFrauscher B
Category:Clin Neurophysiol
Dept Affiliation: PERFORM
1 Analytical Neurophysiology Lab, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab, Biomedical Engineering Department, McGill University, Canada.
2 Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab, Biomedical Engineering Department, McGill University, Canada.
3 Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
4 Claudio Munari Epilepsy Center, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy.
5 Department of Neuroscience (DINOGMI), University of Genoa, Italy; IRCCS, Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Instituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy.
6 Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab, Biomedical Engineering Department, McGill University, Canada; Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab, PERFORM Centre, Department of Physics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
7 Analytical Neurophysiology Lab, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Department of Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada. Electronic address:


Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.

Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Dec 22; 132(2):568-580

Authors: Avigdor T, Abdallah C, von Ellenrieder N, Hedrich T, Rubino A, Lo Russo G, Bernhardt B, Nobili L, Grova C, Frauscher B


OBJECTIVE: Fast Oscillations (FO) >40 Hz are a promising biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Evidence using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) remains scarce. We assessed if electrical source imaging of FO using 256-channel high-density EEG (HD-EEG) is useful for EZ identification.

METHODS: We analyzed HD-EEG recordings of 10 focal drug-resistant epilepsy patients with seizure-free postsurgical outcome. We marked FO candidate events at the time of epileptic spikes and verified them by screening for an isolated peak in the time-frequency plot. We performed electrical source imaging of spikes and FO within the Maximum Entropy of the Mean framework. Source localization maps were validated against the surgical cavity.

RESULTS: We identified FO in five out of 10 patients who had a superficial or intermediate deep generator. The maximum of the FO maps was localized inside the cavity in all patients (100%). Analysis with a reduced electrode coverage using the 10-10 and 10-20 system showed a decreased localization accuracy of 60% and 40% respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: FO recorded with HD-EEG localize the EZ. HD-EEG is better suited to detect and localize FO than conventional EEG approaches.

SIGNIFICANCE: This study acts as proof-of-concept that FO localization using 256-channel HD-EEG is a viable marker of the EZ.

PMID: 33450578 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]