Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

mGlu5 receptor availability in youth at risk for addictions: effects of vulnerability traits and cannabis use.

Author(s): Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl R...

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 May 15;: Authors: Cox SML, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Smart K, Castellanos-Ryan N, Durand F, Allard D, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, C...

Article GUID: 32413893

Extra-striatal D2/3 receptor availability in youth at risk for addiction.

Author(s): Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, Ségu...

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Apr 07;: Authors: Jaworska N, Cox SML, Tippler M, Castellanos-Ryan N, Benkelfat C, Parent S, Dagher A, Vitaro F, Boivin M, Pihl RO, Côté SM, Tremblay RE, S&...

Article GUID: 32259831

Epigenetic Changes of FKBP5 as a Link Connecting Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors with Structural and Functional Brain Changes in Major Depression.

Author(s): Tozzi L, Farrell C, Booij L, Doolin K, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Pomares FB, Chiarella J, O'Keane V, Frodl T

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 04;43(5):1138-1145 Authors: Tozzi L, Farrell C, Booij L, Doolin K, Nemoda Z, Szyf M, Pomares FB, Chiarella J, O'Keane V, Frodl T

Article GUID: 29182159

Alcohol-Seeking Triggered by Discrete Pavlovian Cues is Invigorated by Alcohol Contexts and Mediated by Glutamate Signaling in the Basolateral Amygdala.

Author(s): Sciascia JM, Reese RM, Janak PH, Chaudhri N

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2015 Nov;40(12):2801-12 Authors: Sciascia JM, Reese RM, Janak PH, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 25953360

Dampened Mesolimbic Dopamine Function and Signaling by Saturated but not Monounsaturated Dietary Lipids.

Author(s): Hryhorczuk C, Florea M, Rodaros D, Poirier I, Daneault C, Des Rosiers C, Arvanitogiannis A, Alquier T, Fulton S

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016 Feb;41(3):811-21 Authors: Hryhorczuk C, Florea M, Rodaros D, Poirier I, Daneault C, Des Rosiers C, Arvanitogiannis A, Alquier T, Fulton S

Article GUID: 26171719

Augmentation of Heroin Seeking Following Chronic Food Restriction in the Rat: Differential Role for Dopamine Transmission in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell and Core.

Author(s): D'Cunha TM, Daoud E, Rizzo D, Bishop AB, Russo M, Mourra G, Hamel L, Sedki F, Shalev U

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017 Apr;42(5):1136-1145 Authors: D'Cunha TM, Daoud E, Rizzo D, Bishop AB, Russo M, Mourra G, Hamel L, Sedki F, Shalev U

Article GUID: 27824052

Varenicline Reduces Context-Induced Relapse to Alcohol-Seeking through Actions in the Nucleus Accumbens.

Author(s): Lacroix F, Pettorelli A, Maddux JN, Heidari-Jam A, Chaudhri N

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017 Apr;42(5):1037-1048 Authors: Lacroix F, Pettorelli A, Maddux JN, Heidari-Jam A, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 27834390

Non-Contingent Exposure to Amphetamine in Adolescence Recruits miR-218 to Regulate Dcc Expression in the VTA.

Author(s): Cuesta S, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Silvestrin S, Nouel D, Torres-Berrío A, Reynolds LM, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 03;43(4):900-911 Authors: Cuesta S, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Silvestrin S, Nouel D, Torres-Berrío A, Reynolds LM, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C

Article GUID: 29154364

Too Depressed to Swim or Too Afraid to Stop? A Reinterpretation of the Forced Swim Test as a Measure of Anxiety-Like Behavior.

Author(s): Anyan J, Amir S

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 04;43(5):931-933 Authors: Anyan J, Amir S PMID: 29210364 [PubMed - in process]

Article GUID: 29210364

Context and topography determine the role of basolateral amygdala metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in appetitive Pavlovian responding.

Author(s): Khoo SY, LeCocq MR, Deyab GE, Chaudhri N

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Feb 08;: Authors: Khoo SY, LeCocq MR, Deyab GE, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 30758331

Title:Augmentation of Heroin Seeking Following Chronic Food Restriction in the Rat: Differential Role for Dopamine Transmission in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell and Core.
Authors:D'Cunha TMDaoud ERizzo DBishop ABRusso MMourra GHamel LSedki FShalev U
Dept Affiliation: CSBN
1 Department of Psychology, Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology/Groupe de Recherche en Neurobiologie Comportementale, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Augmentation of Heroin Seeking Following Chronic Food Restriction in the Rat: Differential Role for Dopamine Transmission in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell and Core.

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017 Apr;42(5):1136-1145

Authors: D'Cunha TM, Daoud E, Rizzo D, Bishop AB, Russo M, Mourra G, Hamel L, Sedki F, Shalev U


Caloric restriction during drug abstinence increases the risk for relapse in addicts. In rats, chronic food restriction during a period of withdrawal following heroin self-administration augments heroin seeking. The mechanisms underlying this effect are largely unknown. Here, we investigated the role of nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell and core dopamine (DA) in food restriction-induced augmentation of heroin seeking. Rats were trained to self-administer heroin (0.1?mg/kg/infusion) for 10 days. Next, rats were moved to the animal colony for a withdrawal period, during which rats were food restricted to 90% of their original body weight (FDR group) or given unrestricted access to food (sated group). On day 14 of food restriction, rats were returned to the operant conditioning chambers for a heroin-seeking test under extinction conditions. Extracellular DA levels were assessed using in vivo microdialysis. In separate experiments, the DA D1-like receptor antagonist SCH39166 (12.5, 25.0, or 50.0?ng/side) was administered into the NAc before the heroin-seeking test. In the NAc shell, pre-test exposure to the heroin-associated context increased DA only in FDR rats; but in the NAc core, DA increased regardless of feeding condition. Food restriction significantly augmented heroin seeking and increased DA in the NAc shell and core during the test. Intra-NAc shell administration of SCH39166 decreased heroin seeking in all rats. In contrast, in the NAc core, SCH39166 selectively decreased the augmentation of heroin-seeking induced by chronic food restriction. Taken together, these results suggest that activation of the DA D1-like receptor in the NAc core is important for food restriction-induced augmentation of heroin seeking.

PMID: 27824052 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]