Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Enzymatic Synthesis of a Fluorogenic Reporter Substrate and the Development of a High-Throughput Assay for Fucosyltransferase VIII Provide a Toolkit to Probe and Inhibit Core Fucosylation.

Author(s): Soroko M, Kwan DH

Biochemistry. 2020 Jun 01;: Authors: Soroko M, Kwan DH

Article GUID: 32441090

Identification of active site residues of chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli.

Author(s): Christendat D, Turnbull J

Identification of active site residues of chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli.

Biochemistry. 1996 Apr 09;35(14):4468-79

Authors: Christendat D, Turnbull J

Chemical modification studies...

Article GUID: 8605196

Characterization of active and inactive forms of the phenol hydroxylase stimulatory protein DmpM.

Author(s): Cadieux E, Powlowski J

Biochemistry. 1999 Aug 17;38(33):10714-22 Authors: Cadieux E, Powlowski J

Article GUID: 10451366

S-nitrosation of Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-free recombinant calbindin D(28K) from human brain.

Author(s): Tao L, Murphy ME, English AM

Biochemistry. 2002 May 14;41(19):6185-92 Authors: Tao L, Murphy ME, English AM

Article GUID: 11994015

Mechanism of S-nitrosation of recombinant human brain calbindin D28K.

Author(s): Tao L, English AM

Biochemistry. 2003 Mar 25;42(11):3326-34 Authors: Tao L, English AM

Article GUID: 12641465

Protein S-glutathiolation triggered by decomposed S-nitrosoglutathione.

Author(s): Tao L, English AM

Biochemistry. 2004 Apr 06;43(13):4028-38 Authors: Tao L, English AM

Article GUID: 15049710

Mass spectrometric analysis of nitroxyl-mediated protein modification: comparison of products formed with free and protein-based cysteines.

Author(s): Shen B, English AM

Biochemistry. 2005 Oct 25;44(42):14030-44 Authors: Shen B, English AM

Article GUID: 16229492

A shared binding site for NAD+ and coenzyme A in an acetaldehyde dehydrogenase involved in bacterial degradation of aromatic compounds.

Author(s): Lei Y, Pawelek PD, Powlowski J

Biochemistry. 2008 Jul 01;47(26):6870-82 Authors: Lei Y, Pawelek PD, Powlowski J

Article GUID: 18537268

Backbone Flexibility Influences Nucleotide Incorporation by Human Translesion DNA Polymerase η opposite Intrastrand Cross-Linked DNA.

Author(s): O'Flaherty DK, Guengerich FP, Egli M, Wilds CJ

Biochemistry. 2015 Dec 29;54(51):7449-56 Authors: O'Flaherty DK, Guengerich FP, Egli M, Wilds CJ

Article GUID: 26624500

Proton release due to manganese binding and oxidation in modified bacterial reaction centers.

Author(s): Kálmán L, Thielges MC, Williams JC, Allen JP

Biochemistry. 2005 Oct 11;44(40):13266-73 Authors: Kálmán L, Thielges MC, Williams JC, Allen JP

Article GUID: 16201752

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: dielectric relaxation in the vicinity of the dimer.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Biochemistry. 2011 Jan 25;50(3):340-8 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 21141811

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: redox-regulated proton pathway near the dimer.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Biochemistry. 2011 Apr 26;50(16):3321-31 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kálmán L

Article GUID: 21410139

Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: impact of detergents and lipids on the electronic structure of the primary electron donor.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Biochemistry. 2011 Jun 14;50(23):5249-62 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Article GUID: 21561160

Title:S-nitrosation of Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-free recombinant calbindin D(28K) from human brain.
Authors:Tao LMurphy MEEnglish AM
Dept Affiliation: CHEMBIOCHEM
1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, 1455 de Masisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8.


S-nitrosation of Ca(2+)-loaded and Ca(2+)-free recombinant calbindin D(28K) from human brain.

Biochemistry. 2002 May 14;41(19):6185-92

Authors: Tao L, Murphy ME, English AM


Calbindin D(28K) is noted for its abundance and specific distribution in mammalian brain and sensory neurons. It can bind three to five Ca(2+) ions and may act as a Ca(2+) buffer to maintain intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis, but its exact role is still unknown. In the present study, mass spectrometric analysis reveals that the five cysteine residues in recombinant human brain calbindin D(28K) (rHCaBP) are derivatized with N-ethylmaleimide, consistent with the determination of 5.3 +/- 0.4 and 4.7 +/- 0.4 free thiols in the protein using the thiol-specific reagents 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) and 5-(octyldithio)-2-nitrobenzoic acid, respectively. The results of UV-vis and circular dichroism absorption, intrinsic fluorescence, and mass spectrometry measurements indicate that both Ca(2+)-loaded (holo) and Ca(2+)-free (apo) rHCaBP are S-nitrosated by S-nitrosocysteine (CysNO). The number of cysteine residues S-nitrosated in holorHCaBP and aporHCaBP are 2.6 +/- 0.05 and 3.4 +/- 0.09, respectively, as determined by the Saville assay. HolorHCaBP also undergoes S-nitrosation at one to three cysteine residues when exposed to S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), and Cys100 was found to be an S-nitrosation site by peptide mass mapping. Treatment of holorHCaBP with free NO resulted in a mass increase of 59 +/- 2 Da, corresponding to two NO adducts. Since up to four cysteine residues can be S-nitrosated in rHCaBP, it is proposed that the protein may act as a NO buffer or reservoir in the brain in a manner similar to serum albumin in blood. It is significant in this context that rHCaBP is found coexistent with nitric oxide synthase in cerebellum and that S-nitrosation varies with Ca(2+) binding, with S-nitrosation occurring to a greater extent in aporHCaBP than in the holoprotein. Furthermore, exposure of rHCaBP to either CysNO or GSNO also leads to rapid S-thiolation of Cys187. We demonstrate here for the first time that intrinsic protein fluorescence is a sensitive probe of protein S-nitrosation. This is due to efficient Förster energy transfer (R(0) approximately 17 A) between tryptophan donors and S-nitrosothiol acceptors.

PMID: 11994015 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]