Clinical Analysis Suite:

The Clinical Analysis Suite uses techniques from biochemistry, immunology, and haematology for the analysis of traditional and novel risk biomarkers of disease.

Biosafety Cabinet 1

Biosafety Cabinet 2

Biosafety Cabinet 3

Biosafety Cabinet 4


Clinical Analysis Data Workstation

Clinitek Status+ Urine Analyser

Coulter Hematology Analyzer (Ac-T diff2)

Flow Cytometer (BD FACSVerse)

Gel Imager (Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS+)


Mass Spectrometry UPLC MS/MS (Agilent 6460)

Microplate Reader

Microscope 1 (Leica DMI6000)

Microscope 2 (Leica DM2000)

PCR (CFX 96)

Piccolo Xpress

SpectroLinker (XL-1000)

Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 2000c)

UltraCentrifuge (Optima L-100 XP)

UPLC (Waters Acquity)