Athletic Therapy Clinic SwimEx 700
SwimEx 700
Resistance pool for isokinetic aquatic therapy & rehab.
The SwimEx 700 T Physical Therapy Pool is mostly feature-comparable to the 600T, but with an additional 12 inches (30.5cm) depth, bringing the total depth to 72 inches (183cm). The deep-water well is easily accessed and designed for totally non-weight-bearing rehab applications in both therapeutic and conditioning environments, allowing for more productive and aggressive therapy. Eight tethering ports allow the therapist to lock in the patient during non-weight-bearing protocols.
The pool features eight workstations and a running platform. It also has viewports for observing the participant from below the waterline.
  • Pool Size: 7'8" 17'7" x 6'6" (2.34m x 5.36m x 1.98m)
  • Pit Size: 12' x 20' x 5'8" & 6'8" (3.66m x 6.1m x 1.73m & 2.03m)
  • Pool Volume: 3300 gal (12,490 l)
PC S1.213
1 / 1 (Users / Participants)

Days of week: -MTWThF-
Weekday hrs: 08:00 - 20:00
Weekend hrs: 00:00   --- 00:00


Aquatherapy SwimEx 700