Clinical Analysis Suite Ac-T diff2
Coulter Hematology Analyzer
Ac-T diff2
Ac-T diff2 is a Hematology Analyzer that delivers performance, value and safety for laboratories. It's an easy-to-use system that offers a small sample volume in both open and closed analysis modes, a wide operating range and multiple output formats.
The Ac-T diff2 offers a full range of features including:
  • Measures 18 hematologic parameters (RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Plt, PDW, MPV, Pct#, PDW#, WBC, LY#, LY , MO#, MO , GR#, GR )
  • Quick data acquisition (results are obtained within 1 minute)
  • Easy to use system
  • Minimal routine maintenance and high system reliability
  • Wide operating range and multiple reporting styles
  • Automated calibration, quality control evaluation and data storage
  • Data storage of 250 patient results
  • Can perform up to 31 replicates of samples to determine precision
  • Onboard calibration and reproducibility files automate statistical calculations
  • High and low flagging of patient results allows for easier data interpretation
  • Closed vial sampling that accommodates a variety of collection of tube sizes
  • Small, 18uL, sample size in either closed or open vial modes
  • Automated quality assurance functions improve productivity
  • Closed vial sampling for controls and calibrators provides operator safety
PC 02.233
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Days of week: SuMTWThFSa
Weekday hrs: 00:00 - 23:59
Weekend hrs: 00:00   --- 23:59
