Imaging Suite GE Vivid E9
GE Vivid E9
GE Vivid E9 ultrasound system.

GE Healthcare's first cardiovascular ultrasound system built specifically for 4D imaging - from ergonomics to image acquisition to data management. With quantification tools, 4D Stress and advanced ergonomics
  • 4D Views provides "one-touch" options to view images such as 4-chamber, 2-chamber, APLAX, mitral valve and aortic valve.
  • 4D Auto LVQ is a mesh-based surface-tracking model, the quantification tool provides a graphical output of pure 4D volume data.
  • 4D Stress improves workflow for stress echo procedure
PC S1.150
1 / 1 (Users / Participants)

Days of week: SuMTWThFSa
Weekday hrs: 06:30 - 23:00
Weekend hrs: 08:00   --- 18:00
